Absence Reminders and Escalations

 Absence Reminders and Escalations

Absence Reminders:

Many times when an associate submits his/her absence in approval will go to line manager, sometimes manager may not notice the notification. In those cases we need to remainder notifications to managers to take action on respective absence transaction.

In order to enable multiple reminders to line manager we need to configure our changes at BPM tool.

Navigation : Search with "Manage Task Configurations for Human Capital Management" >> Select task "AbsencesApprovalsTask" and click on Edit icon

Go to Notification >> Click on the check box Enable Reminder 

Repeat                : Based on the requirement

Initiating Action : After Assignment

Frequency          : Based on the requirement

After above changes click on Save and Commit Buttons.

Absence Escalations :

If suppose line manager is not taken any action on absence transaction for n number of days then we can escalate the transaction to manager's manager using below steps.

In the same  BPM absence approval

Navigate to Deadlines tab and enable escalation check box

Based on the requirement we can provide the duration and highest level as "Manager".

First absence notification will trigger to Line Manager and if manager is not taken any action for n number of days then it will trigger notification to Manager's Manager.

If suppose if Manager's Manager is also not taken any action on the transaction for defined number of days/hours/minutes then transaction will get expired and leave balance will be credited to employee. 

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