We can use below Query to fetch the dat file details using content id. We need to replace the content id with original content id.
FROM fusion.hrc_dl_file_lines fl
,fusion.hrc_dl_data_set_bus_objs bo
,fusion.hrc_dl_data_sets ds
WHERE ds.ucm_content_id = 'UCM123456' --Replace with contentid
AND fl.data_set_bus_obj_id = bo.data_set_bus_obj_id
AND ds.data_set_id = bo.data_set_id
ORDER BY fl.seq_num AS
Tables use in HDL
HRC_LOADER_ERROR_LINES - Contains error information’s of the HDL rejected records.
HRC_LOADER_STATS - Contains statistics about Fusion data objects
HRC_LOADER_JOB - Contains information about individual jobs
HRC_LOADER_LOGICAL_OBJECTS - Logical and Business Object metadata for the File
HRC_LOADER_METADATA_REGISTRY - Contains metadata about Fusion data objects
HRC_LOADER_PARAMETERS - Used for defining configuration parameters for the ESS processing