HDL Tables and Query to Fetch uploaded dat file using Content ID


We can use below Query to fetch the dat file details using content id. We need to replace the content id with original content id.

FROM fusion.hrc_dl_file_lines fl
 ,fusion.hrc_dl_data_set_bus_objs bo
 ,fusion.hrc_dl_data_sets ds
WHERE ds.ucm_content_id = 'UCM123456' --Replace with contentid
 AND fl.data_set_bus_obj_id = bo.data_set_bus_obj_id
 AND ds.data_set_id = bo.data_set_id
ORDER BY fl.seq_num AS

Tables use in HDL

HRC_LOADER_ERROR_LINES            - Contains error information’s of the HDL rejected records.

HRC_LOADER_STATS                       - Contains statistics about Fusion data objects

HRC_LOADER_JOB                           - Contains information about individual jobs

HRC_LOADER_LOGICAL_OBJECTS     - Logical and Business Object metadata for the File

HRC_LOADER_METADATA_REGISTRY - Contains metadata about Fusion data objects

HRC_LOADER_PARAMETERS              - Used for defining configuration parameters for the ESS processing

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